Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease main cause of death in the world. According to WHO in 2013, there were 8.6 million TB cases.. TB is a disease caused by a complex Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. In general, TB disease is treated using Anti Tuberculosis (OAT) drugs such as Rifampicin and has not been found with many medicinal plants or herbs. From medicinal plants or herbs, there are activities which inhibit Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This study used laboratory experimental methods including maceration of mimba's leaf, nilam's leaf and sambang darah's leaf in 70% ethanol. Then the antibacterial activity was tested with a negative control comparison standard. The independent variables, namely the concentration of extract mimba's leaf, nilam's leaf, sambang darah's leaf, and the dependent variable, namely the growth of colonies from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Based on data analysis, 3 extracts are statistically significant differences. Third-week monitoring (3) showed that the results of data were normally distributed and the significant value in the ANOVA test was 0.001 <0.05, so it could be concluded that there was a significant difference in the average percentage of colony inhibition in each treatment group. In the LSD test, it was known that the combination of extract nilam's leaf and extract sambang darah's leaf (group F) 125µg / ml had the largest average value of inhibition of colony inhibition with 71.4% of colony inhibition percentage.
Keywords: extract mimba's leaf, extract nilam's leaf, extract sambang darah's leaf, mycobacterium tuberculosis
Tuberkulosis (TBC) merupakan salah satu penyakit menjadi penyebab utama kematian di dunia. Prevalensi tuberkulosis di Indonesia cukup tinggi, pada tahun 2009 terdapat 1,7 juta orang meninggal karena TBC. TBC adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Mycobakterium tuberkulosis komplex. Pada umumnya penyakit TBC di obati menggunakan Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) seperti Rifamicin dan belum banyak ditemukan dengan tanaman obat atau herbal. Dari tanaman obat atau herbal dicari aktivitas yang menghambat Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda eksperimental laboratorium meliputi maserasi daun mimba, daun nilam, dan daun sambang darah dalam etanol 70%. Kemudian diuji aktivitas antibakteri dengan baku pembanding kontrol negatif. Variabel bebas, yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak daun mimba, daun nilam dan daun sambang darah yang diujikan, dan variabel terikat , yaitu pertumbuhan koloni dari Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Berdasarkan analisa data, terdapat 3 ekstrak kombinasi yang berbeda signifikan secara statistik. Monitoring minggu ketiga (3) menunjukkan hasil data terdistribusi normal dan nilai signifikansi pada uji ANOVA adalah 0,001<0,05, sehingga disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan rata – rata prosentase hambat koloni pada masing-masing kelompok perlakuan. Pada uji LSD diketahui kombinasi ekstrak daun nilam dan daun sambang darah (kelompok F) 125µg/ml memiliki nilai rata-rata prosentase hambat koloni terbesar dengan prosentase hambat koloni 71,4%.
Kata Kunci : ekstrak daun mimba, ekstrak daun nilam, ekstrak daun sambang darah, mycobacterium tuberculosis
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