MNJ (Mahakam Nursing Journal) 2024-10-22T14:54:10+08:00 Rivan Firdaus Open Journal Systems <p>Memuat Karya Ilmiah dalam bidang Ilmu Keperawatan</p> Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia 2024-10-08T08:10:22+08:00 Valentina Br Tambunan Edi Purwanto Lukman Nulhakim <p><em>Healthy older adults are those who are able to care for themselves independently without the help of others in terms of disease prevention, functional capacity, recovery, and rehabilitation, which are owned by the elderly themselves. The design used in this study was descriptive correlational with a cross-sectional approach. The population was taken from all elderly patients in the working area of the Lambing Health Center, 73 people. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. The research instruments used were questionnaires on respondent characteristics, WHOQOL-BREF, and family support. Statistical analysis was performed with the chi-square test. The results presented in this study showed that the category of good family support (70.0%), the category of good quality of life for the elderly (60.3%), and the chi-square test for the relationship between family support and quality of life for the elderly yielded small values above ρ value = 0.00 and smaller than the value of α = 0.05. There is a significant relationship between family support and quality of life of the elderly in the work area of the Lambing Health Center.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: family support, quality of life, elderly.</em></p> 2024-10-08T08:09:08+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship between Environmental Stressors and Anxiety Levels in ICU Patients 2024-10-08T08:23:04+08:00 Ridho Pangestu Mugi Hartoyo Sherly Metasari Budiyati Budiyati <p>Environmental stressors in the ICU cause psychological problems for patients, such as anxiety. Anxiety that is not treated further can hinder the patient care process. This study aims to analyze the relationship between environmental stressors and the anxiety level of patients treated in the ICU. This research is a descriptive correlational study with a cross sectional approach, involving 36 critical patients using a purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using the Intensive Care Unit Environmental Stressors Scale (ICUESS) questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaire. Bivariate analysis using SPSS 25 with the Pearson Product Moment test. The results showed three ICU environmental stressors with the highest scores, namely seeing family and friends for only a few minutes every day (128), not being able to sleep (125), and not knowing when your treatment will be finished (115). Most of the patients experienced severe anxiety, 12 people (33.3%). The research results show that there is a relationship between environmental stressors and anxiety levels (p value = 0.000) with the strength of the relationship being strong and in the same direction (r = 0.788). The conclusion of the research is that environmental stressors are related to the patient's anxiety level.</p> 2024-10-08T08:23:03+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Hubungan Perilaku Family Caregiver Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Stroke Di Ruang Rawat Inap 2024-10-22T14:54:10+08:00 Sri Ulandari Dwi Prihatin Era Frana Andrianur <p>Stroke is a common neurological disease that requires immediate and proper treatment. It can affect anyone at any time, making the role of family caregivers vital in improving the quality of life of stroke patients. At RSUD dr. Abdul Rivai, Berau, there has been no integrated study examining the relationship between family caregiver behavior and the quality of life of stroke patients, which is a critical issue in care.</p> <p>This study aimed to determine the relationship between family caregiver behavior and the quality of life of stroke patients in the inpatient ward at RSUD dr. Abdul Rivai. The study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, involving 54 stroke patients selected through total sampling. Data analysis was conducted using the chi-square test with a significance level of 0.05.</p> <p>The results showed a significant relationship between family caregiver behavior and the quality of life of stroke patients (p = 0.023). The OR value of 5.647 indicates that caregivers with good behavior are 5.647 times more likely to improve the patient's quality of life. Thus, good family caregiver behavior is proven to enhance the quality of life for stroke patients at RSUD dr. Abdul Rivai.</p> 2024-10-22T14:54:09+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Intervensi Inovasi Pemberian Baby Massage Menggunakan Virgin Coconut Oil Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Tidur Bayi Pada Pasien Scabies 2024-09-27T08:40:40+08:00 Nida Dzakiyah Khosyi Enok Sureskiarti <p>An infant is a child who is less than one year old and is just beginning their life, which is characterized by rapid development. A baby's growth is affected by a number of factors, including the duration of rest or sleep. The most characteristic symptom of this disease is severe itching at night. Baby Massege is closer to a gentle rubbing or tactile stimulation applied to the surface of the skin. Non-pharmacological intervention is one of the good actions to take in improving sleep quality in infants by performing baby massage. This Ners Final Scientific Work aims to analyze interventions in improving the quality of infant sleep with the innovative intervention of giving Baby Massage using Virgin Coconut Oil in the PICU room of Aji Muhammad Parikesit Tenggarong Hospital. The results of the analysis showed that the improvement in sleep quality after being given a baby massage innovation intervention. It can be concluded that giving baby massage using virgin coconut oil to scabies patients can improve sleep quality.</p> 2024-09-27T08:40:39+08:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##